Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Studio session

Studio session with Chelsea, Annmarie and Ruth.  Our aim at the start of this session was to photograph a minimum of 4 models and a maximum of 6.  We found models by asking students who were around at the time.  We wanted to use models that had different skin tones and hair colours.  During this session we were able to find five models and are hoping to find one of East Asian origin to complete the set.
We started by setting up the studio lights using a oft box on the floor and a beauty dish at head height (with the model seated) to light the model’s face.  The soft box was set at 50% intesnisty and the beauty dish at 75%.   The following images show the overall set up and Chelsea setting up the floor light in front of model Adam:

For the shoot the overhead studio lights were switched off and we used continuous lighting.  We also added a fluorescent tube on the floor behind the model to make the background blue.

Chelsea supplied the face paints and we tried to match the Bloomberg colour palette, using a different colour for each model.  Here is Chelsea in action as make-up artist painting Wahid's face blue:
We selected six words to use for our different models and set up a template using photoshop so that the words could be shaped and distorted to flow across the face.  We used the font styleHobo Std”.  Although this is not one of the Bloomberg preferred fonts it is curved and so sits well across the contours of the face.  AnnMarie sets up the template:
The template looked a bit like this but with the colours reversed so that the projected word is white (see also AnnMarie's blog):
The word was projected onto the model's face by holding the projector.  In this way we could change the angle and the size of the lettering by moving the projector around.

Because we could only fit short words on people’s faces we didn’t add a verb (as per Bloomberg’s suggested lead-ins) but tried to use strong and active words.  The words we selected were:

Word                    Colour                  Model
Agile                      Green                   Adam
Unique                 Orange                   Charlotte
Active                   Blue                       Wahid
Brave                    Pink                       Emma
Strong                   Yellow                   Ruth
AnneMarie has posted some sample images in a separate blog.

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