The first image of Adam I feel is the strongest image and is going to look better in the final set than the second. Due to the eye contact and power behind his eyes.

The image of Wahid (above) I feel is one of the strongest image from the first shoot, as there seems to be such emotion and thought in his eyes. Although he isn't looking directly into the camera I still think the image could work really well as a final.
The image of Charlotte (above) I feel was the weakest of the shoot. I don't feel we chose a word that fit her facial shape very well, also I don't think that the orange colour really suits her either. Her expression also isn't as strong. Where as Wahid's image, even though looking away is still strong, I don't feel this one has the same effect.
I feel this image of Ruth works quite well in the set as she adds diversity and I feel the yellow really suits her face. Although I think it could of been a better shot if we had taken some of her looking at the camera. And the light that is on the bottom of her ear annoys me a little so I feel this lets the shot down.
This final image is my favourite of the shoot. I feel the word we chose 'Brave' really fits the image, and the colours work really well. On this image I also added a bit more exposure to her eyes as the word was so white it dulled her eyes a little, I still think they could be a little brighter but I didn't want to make them look overly edited and fake.
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